Physical Theatres: what are they, how do they work, what's different about them, do they exist?
Simon Murray
Simon Murray teaches Theatre Studies at the University of Glasgow. He was until 2008 Director of Theatre at Dartington College of Arts and has been a professional actor and theatre maker having trained with Philippe Gaulier and Monika Pagneux in Paris in the late 1980’s. He has written on Jacques Lecoq (Routledge 2003) and on physical theatres (with John Keefe) (Routledge 2007). More recently he has published essays on lightness in theatre, on the writing of WG Sebald and its relationship to contemporary performance practices, and on the teaching of Philippe Gaulier and Monika Pagneux. Simon is co-founder and co-editor (with Jonathan Pitches) of the journal Theatre, Dance and Performance Training.
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